Elasticsearch and Kibana are easily my most favorite tools that I've started using over the last year. I want to show you how to use them. Elasticsearch is an easy-to-use distributed full-text search and analytics engine.

No matter your back end technology, TypeScript is a great choice for your rich Web front end. And if you are using Node.js, then it's great for the back end too. Far from being "JavaScript for C# developers", TypeScript honors the idioms of the JavaScript ecosystem.

In the last meeting we practiced CSS layout, discussed how the display property works, and learned how to use floats effectively. In this session we will discuss Flexbox, a newer way to do CSS layout. This is a hands-on activity, so bring you computer. Be ready to code.

CSS Layout can be a bit difficult at times, but with a little guided practice you can learn the principles and start effectively using CSS to layout your web pages today. And in this session, guided practice is exactly what we are going to do.

Want to write your first cross-platform mobile application? Join us to learn how to write a mobile application using C# with Xamarin.Forms. Bring your laptop and follow along whether you are using Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac.

As developers, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of new information in our field that we think we need to learn. What usually causes us to be overwhelmed is that we don’t have a clear idea of where we want to go.

Interviews can be stressful but practice helps. This month we are gathering together to help each other out by giving mock interviews. Well, mostly mock interviews as there will be people interviewing that are looking for people to hire.

There is always something to learn about GIT, whether you are new to it or have been using it for many years. Amir will facilitate a workshop to show how to effectively use git.

Want to learn React? In this meeting we'll have Part 2 of a series on learning this awesome JavaScript framework. This will be a hands-on activity, so bring your laptop and be ready to code.

Want to learn React? In this meeting we'll have Part 1 of a series on learning this awesome JavaScript framework. This will be a hands-on activity, so bring your laptop and be ready to code.

This is an exercise in polyglot programming. Come explore how you might solve a problem in three different programming languages, JavaScript, Ruby, and C# (or any other language you want to try).

We have entered the age of polyglot programming. It is no longer sufficient to know only C#, JavaScript, and SQL. Even if this wasn't the case, understanding the motivations and idioms of other languages will make you better in the language you primarily code in.

The North Dallas .NET Users Group is going through big changes in format and focus. We announced them at the April meeting and have posted the big ideas up on our about page.

One library to rule them all and in the compiler connect them. Microsoft has been promising this kind of shared code since the Framework fragmentation began. Now with .NET Standard, you can really write one library and multi-target for all the platforms you want.

Getting your app running with the basic data-bindings in place is only the first step. Aurelia provides the tools to create an experience your users will love, rather than just tolerate. Build a great data entry experience with Aurelia's powerful fluent validation plugin.

Quality is hard to define and even harder to achieve. Chris has spent the last 5 years working as a developer in a Quality role. This talk includes a philosophy on quality, lessons learned, tools, and techniques that can help you define and achieve quality in your code.

If you have ever considered teaching at a coding bootcamp, pondered starting one, or have wondered if hiring a graduate is a good idea, come for the discussion and bring your questions. For the last year and a half I've taught at a coding bootcamp called The Iron Yard.

Amazon's Alexa platform is taking the world by storm, helping empower smart homes around the world. But what many developers may not realize is that this is not a closed platform, in fact it has a thriving marketplace for programs, or Skills as Amazon calls them.

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