Hands-On Web Application Development with TypeScript and Webpack

No matter your back end technology, TypeScript is a great choice for your rich Web front end. And if you are using Node.js, then it's great for the back end too. Far from being "JavaScript for C# developers", TypeScript honors the idioms of the JavaScript ecosystem. It powers an improved JavaScript experience, even for developers who don't use it.

As great as TypeScript is at helping you verify your code, Webpack is nearly magical at managing dependencies. It keeps track of which modules you import, whether your own or someone else's. It shakes the tree to discard any functions that you don't use. It hashes the resulting file to bust the browser, reverse proxy, and web server caches. And it even brings in your CSS.

Fire up Visual Studio Code and let's do some Node.js development. We'll configure Webpack to build both our server and client TypeScript code, and even have shared types that are compiled for both sides of the API. Explore the features of TypeScript as we experiment with different module management strategies. Learn how to augment third-party libraries that don't have type declarations. Craft the ideal development environment.

We'll practice these TypeScript features:

  • Default, star, destructured, and side-effect imports
  • Structural subtyping
  • Arrow functions
  • Type inference
  • Generics

The skills you learn will help you on any Web project, even if you don't use Node.js. TypeScript and Webpack are powerful tools for building a rich front-end on any back-end.

Speaker: Michael Perry
Date: March 6th, 2019
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (see here for more detail)
Location: nThrive - Plano, TX
Maps: Google | Bing


Speaker Bio

Michael travels through space clinging to the carbon hull of a spherical ship made of molten iron. He commands an army of microorganisms which decompose the molecules that he captures to provide chemical energy for his cells. His mission is to increase entropy throughout the universe.

In his spare time, Michael records Pluralsight courses on CQRS, XAML Patterns, Cryptography, and Provable Code. Formerly a Microsoft MVP for seven years. He maintains the spoon-bending Assisticant, Correspondence, and Jinaga open-source libraries. He shared videos about distributed systems at historicalmodeling.com. And he helps his clients at Improving benefit from the power of software mathematics.

Software is math. Every class is a theorem. The compiler is the proof. And unit tests check our work.