“IT by itself provides no value”. That’s a pretty bold statement and yet that’s where the winds of business are blowing. As a developer or IT professional you spend time understanding new languages and frameworks, but to deepen and broaden your impact, I recommend taking strides in understanding the business.

Just as most of the universe is thought to be made up of "dark matter" which we can not directly observe, most software is made of of missing models and lurking business requirements.

We are opening up this meeting for lightning talks. Instead of one interesting person talking, we are going to have a number of interesting people talking. Each talk will be 5-15 minutes long and can theoretically be on anything that might interest the group.

Near Field Communication is already here. You might even be using and did not even know. In this talk, we'll be learning what NFC is and how to use it. This talk will include a demo for using NFC on Windows Phone and how to use it cross-platform.

Lots of programmers use Stack Overflow, but not many know how the site really works or how the dev team behind it operates. In this talk, Ben explains how things are built, what problems they face, and how they do things at Stack Exchange.

Entity Framework makes it super easy to write data access code, but it can be a real challenge to write code that is testable and maintainable.

Officially launched in 2013, Visual Studio Online is, in Microsoft's own words, "a collection of developer services that runs on Windows Azure and extends the developer experience in the cloud." That sounds awesome but what does it actually mean? Is it XBOX Live for Visual Studio? Not quite.

In the first part of the evening we'll explore scriptcs (https://github.com/scriptcs/scriptcs) a new lightweight approach for developing with C#. Scriptcs offers a scripting model for C# that feels very much like experience of developing node, PHP and Ruby apps.

At normal NDDNUG meetings you come to here one person talk about one interesting thing. This time we are going to do something different. We're going to have multiple people give short talks about multiple topics. It's NDDNUG: Lightning Talk time.

Functional programming has become a serious force in main stream development. A new breed of languages are growing in popularity in many ecosystems. F# for the CLR, Scala and Clojure on the JVM, Haskell, and even functional aspects of Javascript.

The first half of this session introduces Oracle Database support for .NET, including Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio. We'll demonstrate how to use Oracle Database with Visual Studio for .NET development.

Our toolsets provide us with plenty of support for encrypting, decrypting, and digitally signing messages. It's amazing how much cryptographic technology is baked right in to the Java and .NET frameworks. Yet, if we don't understand how that technology works, we are in real danger of misusing it.

Are you looking for better performance from your JavaScript? Don’t sacrifice features or functionality! You can cut a page’s load time significantly, simply by writing smarter code. In this session, we will explore the infamous DOM and discuss how JavaScript code is executed behind the curtains.

UPDATE: Slide deck and code are located here: https://github.com/trayburn/Presentation-BlackBeltMVC

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