Best Practices for Skunkworks RAD with MVC - 0 to MVP in 90 Minutes

Using a combination of precognition and blatant disregard for architectural purity, we'll build an MVP in 90 minutes (give or take). Whether it's proving an idea to your boss or client or scratching an idea itch, being able to knock out an MVP in as little time as possible is an important ability in today's agile development environment. We'll combine some prebuilt code that we use at Third Corner with some "learned the hard way" knowledge of what is really important to greenfield an application during the session.

Speaker: Sean Goodpasture
Date: August 5th, 2015
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (see here for more detail)
Location: MedAssets - Plano, TX
Maps: Google | Bing


Speaker Bio

Sean Goodpasture has been developing software professionally since 1996. He is a partner in Third Corner, a local custom development company supporting Oil & Gas as well as Healthcare clients.

Building off what we have done in previous meetings, in this meeting we will move onto functional/modular programming and work through an example of that on turtles. Specifically, we will make an automated tunnel digger with various functions for edge cases like lava fields, gravel falling into the tunnel, and monster spawning. This will also, of course, function as a refresher on concepts like control structures and argument passing that we have already discussed. If we have time at the end, this transitions smoothly into talks about API's.

If you haven't been before, don't worry. We'll have someone here to help.