Deep Dive into Obsidian

I (Eric) love Obsidian. What is it? It's one of those "second brain" kinds of tools, and I'm using it for general knowledge management and research, as well as for managing tasks work projects. You don't have to be a developer to use it (so feel free to invite less nerdy folks), but I think it has a special appeal for our developer brains. Also, developers can write plugins for the tool, which we'll discuss. But I won't be alone in this. I'll be joined by two others, Ben Kennedy and Russell Durham, who will help show off how to use this tool.

What will we cover?

  • Obsidian basics
  • Using plugins
  • How to manage life and work
  • How to do knowledge management for books notes or study
  • For the developers, how to create plugins using Typescript/JS

Install Obsidian (it's free) and bring your laptop so you can try things out during the presentation.

NOTE: This is an in-person event and Improving is providing pizza. Pizza starts at 6:00. Eric will start at 6:30! Please RSVP so we know how much pizza to order

Speakers: Eric Sowell, Ben Kennedy, and Russell Durham
Date: Aug 3rd, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (see here for more detail)
Location: Improving - Plano, TX
Google Maps

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Speaker Bios

Ben Kennedy aspires to be a change agent in an IT organization aiming towards a DevOps culture, agile values, and supporting the idea of software craftsmanship. He values team autonomy and doing the right thing over following a rigid process. He focuses developing systems of work that promote the ability to make decisions at the last responsible moment and reward experimentation. Dungeons and Dragons nerd, assimilated, software development opinions collector.

Russell Durham is Sr. Consultant with Improving, an officer of this user group, and has been coding since high school. He views software development not only as career but a hobby as well and is constantly experimenting with new frameworks and technologies. He's also your stereotypical nerd who enjoys video games, sci-fi, and Dungeons and Dragons.

Eric Sowell is a Principal Consultant for Improving, officer of this Users Group, developer, and coding instructor. He is the author of a mostly out-of-date book (don't buy it), Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5. When not coding, he likes to read, study history, Bible, and dead languages, think a lot about teaching, and play Minecraft with the kids. To keep up-to-date with Eric's strange technology, Latin, and Greek adventures, you can follow him on Twitter, subscribe on Youtube, or follow him on his blog.