A Testable Approach to Entity Framework

Entity Framework makes it super easy to write data access code, but it can be a real challenge to write code that is testable and maintainable. We are going to look at the Repository, Unit of Work, Query Object, and Inversion of Control patterns and how we can use them to write code that is testable not only at the business layer, but also at the data layer. We will be using a wonderful little framework called Highway Data to do most of the heavy lifting.

Speaker: Michael Dudley
Date: December 3rd, 2014
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (see here for more detail)
Location: MedAssets - Plano, TX
Maps: Google | Bing


Speaker Bio

Michael Dudley is a Principal Consultant with Improving Enterprises in Dallas, TX. He is also a husband, father, Pluralsight author, leader of the Dallas C# SIG, speaker, musician, carpenter and foodie. He graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in music, but providence had different plans for his career. His journey started with automating TPS reports in VB6, then on to Java, and finally to C# and .Net. Lately, he’s been focusing on Single Page Web Applications, writing tons of Java Script and loving it. He feels blessed to be surrounded by passionate programmers who are continually Improving.

Make sure to attend, because in addition to our awesome presenter, we have some way cool prizes!