Oracle and .NET: Intro and What's New

The first half of this session introduces Oracle Database support for .NET, including Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio. We'll demonstrate how to use Oracle Database with Visual Studio for .NET development. The second half discusses recent and upcoming features in the most recent Oracle .NET releases, including Entity Framework 6 and Code First, Visual Studio 2013, fully-managed ODP.NET, Oracle Schema Comparison tools, and support for new Oracle Database 12c features, such as multitenant database administration from Visual Studio.

Speaker: Christian Shay
Date: May 7th, 2014
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (see here for more detail)
Location: MedAssets - Plano, TX
Maps: Google | Bing


Speaker Bio

Christian Shay is a product manager in the .NET technologies group at Oracle. As a .NET and Oracle evangelist, he speaks to user groups, at Microsoft events and at Oracle Openworld events worldwide. Prior to this role, he was a software engineer at Oracle. Read his article on the Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver in this month's issue of Oracle Magazine.

Make sure to attend, because in addition to our awesome presenter, we have some way cool prizes!


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